Why Ski Touring is the New Hiking
Ski-touring is another relatively new kind of skiing. It evolved from freeride and in recent years has even surpassed it in popularity. So what is it? Practically, this concept means that a group of skiers get together and decide to go hiking for a few days, with overnight stays in hotels, or in tents, depending on where the route will be. Usually the ski tour goes backcountry, through areas where the snow lies untouched. The tour mainly takes place off the slopes and away from the ski structures.
Since the route of ski-tours is organized for long distances, the way goes both on the plains and on mountain slopes with ascents and descents. Therefore, the ski tour combines elements of cross-country and alpine skiing as well as the secondary discipline of telemark with its distinctive feature – “free heel”, in other words, the heel is not fixed as in skiing. This is needed in order to feel comfortable and not to get tired on different types of terrain, which during the tour changes from completely flat to extremely steep.

Ski-tour has become so popular because it allows you to move through untouched snow, which is a dream of many riders, and because there are no costs that await in the resorts. And also it is a great way to take a break from civilization in the company of the most trusted friends and get close to nature. Moreover, all about ski touring you can read here.
As a sport discipline ski-touring requires knowledge of how to ski on different types of terrain, endurance and fitness, as well as the ability to determine places with the risk of avalanches, and if possible avoid them. The development of ski-tours is managed by the Ministry of Mountaineering. Under its aegis are held competitions: relay races, individual championships, and doubles team races. Anyone with certain skills can take part in such competitions. And in the process of the tournament athletes sharpen their skills and techniques of movement on skis. And, since we are talking about long distances, without the possibility of return from halfway, then the choice of equipment should be approached with the utmost responsibility.
Participants of the spring ski / backcountry tours will be able to see the most beautiful and rarely visited places of Elbrus region. Imagine the beauty of snow-covered mountains, absolute silence, snow sparkling in the sun, pleasant tiredness at the end of the day… Ski tour in South Elbrus is considered a classic of this popular direction of active leisure. Adyr-Su Gorge has rightly become the “capital” of North Caucasian ski-tour due to the beauty of snow-white peaks and wonderful microclimate that provides unique snow cover, and the Koyavganaush, Mestia and Gumachi passes left no one indifferent. The best season for skiing in these places is from late March to early May.
The skis used for skiing can also be used for ski touring. But there are a number of important clarifications. First, they should be as light as possible. Manufacturers produce models of skis made of light wood, replace some wooden parts with plastic, minimize the metal components. Thanks to this, the athlete will not get tired during long transitions. Some models of skis have special holes through which the skis are attached to the bindings with carabiners. It prevents the loss of the ski on the descent. Another important detail that distinguishes skis used for ski touring is the kamus – a sticky tape attached to the sliding surface of the ski with straps or glue. Camus is needed to prevent the skis from slipping on climbs, which can be very steep.
Bindings and Other Important Points

Another important feature – bindings. They should be such that when moving and climbing heel remains free, and when descending the boot can be securely fastened. Although there are experienced athletes who stay with a free heel all the time.
All good hiking boots for beginners themselves should be as comfortable as possible, soft, low or high, but not as high and massive as for a telemark. Ski poles should be light, comfortable, preferably telescopic and with wide circles at the bottom, so they do not fall through the snow.
More Information
In addition to skiing equipment, ski-tourists make sure to hike with backpacks over their shoulders. Depending on how many days of crossing, and where there will be overnight stays, in the backpack will be less or more things.
Be sure to bring warm clothes, thermal underwear and shoes to change, sunglasses with UV protection, a sleeping bag, mat foam. Obligatory matches and other means of ignition, utensils, water and food supplies. Not to forget about compulsory avalanche kit – ARVA detector, an avalanche shovel and an avalanche probe as well as phones with GPS and satellite communication. If the hike is organized without a tourist guide, the route should know relatives or friends, as well as it is desirable to make aware of the rescue services operating in these parts of the mountains.
Bottom Line
Ski-tour is both sport and recreation. This is one of the types of mountain tourism, in which the task of travelers – to go as much distance as possible, overcoming obstacles, performing climbs using special equipment and rapid descents. Hiking can be designed for more than one day, with tourists take with them the tents and sleeping bags or stay overnight in hotels, tourist centers or mountain huts. A helicopter picks up hikers from their final destination. And today we’ve already talked to you about why this sport is now the new hiking. We hope that you enjoyed this article!